2023 has been an epic year for IES!

In 2023 we worked on five continents, developped new relationships and bolstered old ones.

At this time of year, rather than extol the virtues of our team and our services, we wanted to share an experience and some photos from one of the most motivational lessons we experienced in 2023. It came at a time, and a place, when we least expected it.

On his way to meet a festival promoter but unable to battle through rush hour traffic, downtown in Asia, Scott Anderson abandoned the Uber and opted to fight through the stifling humidity on foot.

Google Maps led him through twisty backstreets near the city market. In the midst of this sprawling urban jungle, Scott came across this scene – a team of workers, heaving all shapes and sizes of polluted detritus out of a stream, mostly without basic protection.

Rocked onto the back foot, Scott pulled out his phone to capture the scene. Looking up from the pile of waste, a gentleman called Made, stood up tall, lifted his arms aloft and exalted “Hello Sir!”.

We are sure you’ll agree that in the middle of such pollution, Made’s sparkling smile is heart-melting. Stopping to talk, Scott asked Made about his work, its dangers and how he keeps so positive.

“I am happy because I know I make a difference.” was Made’s inspirational quotation.

As 2023 draws to an end, we at IES Consultancy can not think of a simpler or more effective way to articulate our goal for 2024, and our wish for everyone in the global event industry. Be happy by making a difference!

Happy New Year to you, your colleagues and your families!

#internationaleventsecurity #eventprofs #behappy #makeadifference